











O. 全体理念・基本計画策定(2017年のみ)

A 「食」でつなぐ「山の駅ネットワーク」プロジェクト

B. 森林復元スギの家くるくるプロジェクト

C. 3000本LEDライトアップ交流創出プロジェクト

D. 文化遺産の棚田往還道復元交流プロジェクト

E. 活動促進のための人材育成プロジェクト

F. 若者ボランティア連携プロジェクト

G. 方向情報発信共有プロジェクト


• 上勝町の未来づくりのため、棚田・里山資源を保全活用し、環境保全活用の取り組みにより、地域の生きる力を強化し、持続的な集落居住を実現します。


• 1 棚田・里山の恵みを活かします <生物多様性>

• 2 出番づくりを大切にします <いろどりの知恵>

• 3 循環・低炭素の取り組みを進めます<ゼロ・ウェイストの知恵>

• 4 環境保全型の集落ビジネスを展開します<棚田感動ビジネスの知恵>

• 5 若者連携・協働人口を増やします <若者連携・協働形成>

• 6 感動を創出し地域の誇りを創ります<棚田感動ビジネスの知恵>

7 人と人とのつながりを大切にします<9月4日キックオフWS>

かみかつ棚田未来づくり協議会 会員名簿(2017年度4月段階)

About "Rice Terrace Project in Kamikatsu"

Creating Our Future: Rice Terrace Projects in Kamikatsu

- drafted by the meeting for the Future of Kamikatsu Rice Terraces


At the Kamikatsu rice terrace areas where again and depopulation have been advancing for many years, our group will develop eight projects aimed at sustaining villages and increasing the resident population by promoting interactive activities.


1. Timeframe: 2017-2021

2. Location: Yaeji Area, Ichiu Area, Tanno Area, Kashihara Area



1.In order to create a good future for Kamikatsu, we aim to preserve rice terraces and satoyama landscapes as natural resources.

2.Through activities that preserve and utilize the rice terraces, we will strengthen the power of our community and attract permanent residents.


1.Utilize the natural gifts of rice terraces and satoyama landscapes (inspired by biological diversity)

2.Treasure each person's role (inspired by irodori)

3.Promote circulation of materials and low-carbon design for society (inspired by Zero Waste movement)

4.Promote local, environmentally-conscious, sustainable businesses in the village (inspired by rice terrace social enterprise)

5.Cooperate and work with youth (inspired by cooperative and co-working models)

6.Create strong impact and increase community pride (inspired by rice terrace social enterprise)

7.Treasure our connection with people


1.Overall Project Plan: Eight projects are planned for the preservation of rice terraces and satoyama, creating interactions and connections between village businesses and residents.

2.Mountain Station Local Food Project: This project will create "mountain stations" where local, small-scale food producers can network with one another to maximize connections and interactions between growers, build economic strength, and promote the identity and perception of the village.

3.Cedar House Forest Restoration Project: In order to make use of the abundant cedar forests in Kamikatsu, the Cedar House Forest Restoration Project will build small homes out of local cedar wood. With support from the local community, this project will attract new people to the area and promote long-term residence in Kamikatsu.

4.Rice Terrace Light Up Project: With the donation of 3,000 LED lights from a local company, we will light up four rice terrace areas for a 2-month period annually, attracting local residents, regional visitors and international tourists.

5.Cultural Heritage Road Reconstruction Project: Through a community-driven, collaborative effort, this project will reconstruct the roads creating connection and easier access between the rice terraces of Ichiu Area and Yaeji Area, which are both cultural heritage sites.

6.Human Resource Development Project: We will develop NEAL (Kikko-san, what does this acronym mean?... maybe explain it in parenthesis here) leaders in Kamikatsu to promote and implement nature-based experiences in Kamikatsu, such as rice terrace events, rice terrace tours, educational tours, etc.

7.Young Volunteer Project: In order to attract more youth volunteers, we will create a volunteer certification system for all organizations and groups in Kamikatsu Town to share their volunteer resources.

8.Interactive Information Project: This project will utilize easy-to-use interactive information systems to build up a network of activity and event information for all to share.